“The Hidden Glory of the Humble King” - Pastor Brent Nelson
“Christ Deserves Costly Worship” - Pastor Brent nelson
“One Man Should Die for the People” - Pastor Brent Nelson
“Rise with the Son of God” - Pastor Brent Nelson
“Illness for the Glory of God” - Pastor Brent Nelson
“Believe Jesus and His Works” - Pastor Brent Nelson
John 10:31-42
“I and the Father Are One” - Pastor Brent Nelson
John 10:16-30
I Am The Good Shepherd
John 10: 1-21
“Lord, I Believe” - Pastor Brent Nelson
John 9: 18:41
“God’s Works Displayed” Pastor Brent Nelson
John 9:1:17
“The Miraculous Birth: The Savior is Born” - Pastor Brent Nelson
“The Miraculous Birth: The Lord Gives Joy” - Pastor Brent Nelson
1 Samuel 1:1-20
“The Miraculous Birth: The Lord Will Provide” - Pastor Brent Nelson
Genesis 21:1-7
"Before Abraham Was, I Am" Pastor Brent Nelson
John 8 48-59
“God’s Children Love Christ” Pastor Brent Nelson
John 8:39-47
"Freedom in Christ" Pastor Andrew Ross
John 8:31-38
"I AM He" Pastor Brent Nelson
John 8 21-30
“Jesus is the Light of the World” Pastor Brent Nelson
John 8:12-20
“Neither Do I Condemn You” - Pastor Brent Nelson
John 7:53-8:11