Our Pastors and Elders
Brent Nelson - Pastor
Both Brent and Kathy, his wife of 32 years, are native Duluthians. God has blessed them with a son Benjamin (and his wife Maddie) and a daughter, Ruth. Brent has served churches in Minneapolis and Michigan before coming to The Landing.
He finds no greater joy than studying Scripture and offering to others the fruit of that reflection for their joy in Christ. He studied at Bethel Theological Seminary and The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Brent enjoys reading, good coffee, good BBQ, outdoor activities and both listening to and playing music.
“The joy of the Lord is my strength. His joy overflows in love for my wife, my family, my faith family at The Landing and the nations. What a privilege to link arms together with The Landing as we together find our hope in Jesus Christ!”
Paul Anderson - Elder
Paul was born and raised in a small town in northwestern Minnesota in a family committed to Jesus Christ. After college, while in his mid-20’s, God invaded his life and allowed him to see his great need for a savior and his need to make Jesus Christ Lord of his life. Paul and his wife, Bonnie, have been married since 1976, have 4 adult children and 9 grandchildren. Duluth has been their home for their entire married life.
Paul studied at the University of Minnesota, Duluth (BA) and the University of St. Francis, Joliet, IL (MA) before studying at Southern Evangelical Seminary, Charlotte, NC, focusing on Biblical Studies and Apologetics. He retired from a career in EMS, has served in a variety of church leadership roles since the late 1970s and was ordained in 2012. His passion is related to studying and teaching biblical truth for the glory of God.
Howard Hayes - Elder
Howard and Kathy have been married since 1984 and have three adult children, three daughter-in-laws and five grandchildren. They recently served for three years as missionaries in Jordan working with Pioneers International before returning to the United States in early 2016.
It is Howard’s sincere hope and prayer that many will come to faith in Jesus Christ through The Landing. He desires that this local body of Christ would be filled with believers who are so thankful for what Jesus has done for them that they cannot avoid telling others about the hope and joy they have found. “This largely post-Christian world we now live in lacks hope and joy, and that’s exactly what we can offer through a relationship with Jesus.” Howard sees his role as Elder as one of coming along side others in the joys and sorrows of life. Howard and Kathy are so thrilled to belong to this Bible preaching, Christ exalting church.
Keven Johnson - Elder
Keven and his wife, Stephanie, are grateful to God for their 20 years of marriage, their three children, and The Landing fellowship to which God called them. Keven’s desire is for all to see the greatness of the God we serve, the unparalleled Hope offered by the Gospel even in the darkest hour, and the comfort and equipping afforded by the community of His church. In Keven’s role as elder, he prayerfully seeks to lovingly lead those at The Landing into a more intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, resting in Christ while concurrently and zealously pursuing Him through the Word in the context of His church.
Keven and Stephanie are part owners of a family business that offers 1:1 supports to individuals and families in the community.
Conrad Hjort
Elder/Worship Leader
Larry Filmore - Elder
My best friend and wife Cherie and I have been married 32 years. The Lord has mercifully given us four children and two grandchildren. We have lived in Minnesota since 1993 and have joyfully served in churches in Michigan and Minnesota. The Lord graciously saved me during my senior year in High School. Immediately, I was drawn to study God’s Word and tell others about the joy of knowing God. I desire to know God and make Him known through the study of the Bible. My interests in the church include teaching and prayer. My other interests include reading and studying theology, listening to Jazz, and traveling.
I have studied as an undergraduate at Grand Valley State University (Allendale, MI) and as a graduate at Minneapolis School of Anesthesia (St. Louis Park, MN), St. Mary’s University of Minnesota (Winona, MN), and the School of Biblical Counseling CCEF (Glenside, PA).
Vocationally, I have been a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist since 1993. Non-vocationally, I have been ordained to the work of The Deacon Ministry in 1993 and to the work of The Gospel Ministry as an Elder in 2010. I was called and currently serve as one of the Elders here at the Landing since 2019. I long to see many joyfully exclaim, delightfully echoing your word in our hearts, “Worthy are you, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they existed and were created.” Amen, amen!
Andrew Ross - Pastor
Andrew was born and raised in Duluth. He married his beautiful wife Heather in the summer of 2014. Andrew has served in churches near the Twin Cities before coming to The Landing. He has a passion for seeing people, especially youth, prize Jesus as their greatest treasure. He got his education at the University of Northwestern St. Paul. Andrew seeks to diligently proclaim and infuse the Gospel into all aspects of his ministry to students, young adults, and all under his care at The Landing.