John 2:13-25
"Jesus Manifests His Glory" Pastor Brent Nelson
John 2:1-12
"Come and See" Pastor Andrew Ross
John 1:35-51
"Behold the Lamb of God" Pastor Brent Nelson
John 1: 29-34
"Risen to Make God All in All" Pastor Brent Nelson
1 Cor. 15:20-28
“What’s Most Important: Gospel” Pastor Brent Nelson
I Cor. 15:1-11
"Make Straight The Way of the Lord" Pastor Brent Nelson
John 1 19-28
“The Glorious Word Takes Flesh” Pastor Brent Nelson
John 1:14-18
“The True Light Saves” Pastor Brent Nelson
John 1:6-13
"The Word of God" - Pastor Brent Nelson
John 1: 1-5
“The Joshua Factor: Courage” - Pastor Brent Nelson
Joshua 1:1-9
"Show Mercy, as You Have Been Shown Mercy" - Pastor Brent Nelson
Jonah 4:1-11
"Mature in Christ" - Pastor Andrew Ross
Col. 1:28-2:5
"God Relents when We Repent" Pastor Brent Nelson
Jonah 3: 1-10
"A Prophet Repents" - Pastor Brent Nelson
Jonah 2: 1-10
The Lord Appoints a Fish - Pastor Brent Nelson
Johnah 1: 7-17
“Can You Flee the Lord’s Presence?” Pastor Brent Nelson
Jonah 1:1-6
“Let Us Make Man in Our Image” Pastor Brent Nelson
Gen. 1:26-31
"God Supplies for Global Christ-Exalting Worship" Pastor Brent Nelson
Phil 4:14:23
“Praying in the Holy Spirit” Pastor Brent Nelson
Jude 17-25